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Here you can watch the video reviews of some of Her Finland students.
There are 18 200+ happy students enrolled in my online courses. You can do this too!

Conversational Finnish for Beginners Course

This praised spoken Finnish language course is a step-by-step method to help you speak Finnish – even if you’re not in Finland.

“I know you must be getting plenty of well-deserved kudos for your language modules.

My background is technical communications and online learning. Mostly I write about cultural history now, but wanted to take a minute to tell you how much I enjoy your design and presentation of Finnish. It’s so well done and beautifully produced.

Thanks so much for helping me in my learning! You’ve done a wonderful job and it’s helping me! Kiitos!”

– Anna-Riikka

Finnish Culture Compass Course

This course about Finnish communication style and culture is your fast-track pass to feeling connected with the Finnish way of life.

“I’m a first generation Canadian with Finnish parents. As a Finnish-Canadian, I still have strong Finnish roots and links to my heritage.

That said, I enrolled in this course thinking it would be interesting to hear what you had to share. Well, it’s been more than than that.

Your course was placed in my path to help me to better understand my family of origin. Why they behave this way or that way. Some of it I knew were the “Finnish ways” but other things were eye opening. It’s helping me to gain perspective and truly help me in my life and healing journey.

“It was a pleasure taking your course on Finnish culture! I already knew a thing or two from my long-term Finnish partner and my 2 short lovely trips to Finland, but I learned quite a few new and important things. I really enjoyed watching your video feedback on my workbook! Love your personal and helpful approach. So much value! (You should price the course higher! 🙂 Thanks for everything again, Varpu. I feel much more equipped for our planned Finland relocation.“

– Emil

Finnish Baking Magic Reviews

With this Finnish Baking eCookbook you can unlock the treasure of Finnish cooking… the mouthwatering sweet and savory treats of Finland.

“I am usually skeptical when there are tons of free recipes around, but I’m really happy with the recipe book. It’s nice to have everything together, to read it on a tablet while baking and to check what to bake today : ) Thank you!”

– Karin

Get Discovered Online Reviews

This extraordinary job hunt course shows you step by step how to discover the hidden job opportunities in Finland.

”The course is on how to use LinkedIn but it gives so much more! It gives practical tips and hints how to approach Finnish audience, how to be noticed, how to start conversations (in a Finnish acceptable way) and how to ultimately land a job even if it wasn’t advertised.”

– Eva

“There were a lot of things new to me. I always had concerns while sending invitations and messages on LinkedIn. Your ideas are superb! Also, I now know the power of commenting & how I can leverage this to build my network. Additionally, the Finnish hashtags are very very informative, I didn’t know about them. So all in all, it’s a masterpiece!”

– Kabira

Other Her Finland Reviews

“Many years ago I reached out to you and you were so encouraging and supportive. I am grateful to you for that.

I now work as an ohjelmistosuunnittelija and I have developed new skills and have enjoyed my work.”


“Just wanted to thank you (Kiitos) sooo much for all that you do! Your tips and experience are so valuable to me.”


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