Have you ever wondered that, what if… ,what if actually, you are Finnish?
Do you often feel like the oddball of a group? Does it seem that people don’t understand you? These feelings may be the potential symptoms of some hidden Finnishness inside you.
In my opinion, you can be a hidden Finn without any Finnish DNA – it’s all about having a Finnish soul.
I know that for some, finding out that you are secretly a Finn, will be a shock, even a catastrophe. Your identity will turn upside down for a moment.
Your family might have a hard time swallowing this information. They might panic. Luckily, you will respond to panic like Finns do.
So without further ado, let’s do the test!
Are You Finnish? Take the Quiz and Find Out!
Instructions: Answer only “YES” or “NO” to each question.
#1 There seem to be always bad drivers on the roads when you are driving.
#2 A mobile phone can be used as a safe haven in any social situation.
#3 You love the fact that sweatpants and sneakers are in fashion.
#4 Free samples or free coffee in a grocery shop make you feel utterly delighted.
#5 For you, “soon” means five minutes, not any longer.
#6 You are happy in the elevator, because there, nobody expects you to talk.
#7 When there is a chance of saving a couple of bucks, it is no problem for you to change your day plan and drive extra to claim that gain.
#8 Your level of relaxation correlates with the amount of guzzled shots.
#9 Your positivity correlates with the amount of sunshine and warmth.
#10 You feel calm and peaceful when you hear sad, wistful music.
Now… Count your YESses and scroll down!

Six YESses make you a hidden Finn! How many did you score?
Do you know somebody who might be secretly a Finn? Share this test with them!
How to connect with the finns

Understand Finns even better and build relationships with confidence. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Pssst… Follow me on Instagram and add immediately more Finland to your life!
Looking for more information about Finns and Finnish culture? Check out some of my other posts:
- 30 Cultural Facts on Finland that Help You Understand Finns
- Easy Rules to Finnish Small Talk
- Famous Finnish Sayings about Life
- Best Free and Paid Finnish Language Resources
- How to say thank you, you’re welcome and please in Finnish
André Coimbra
Monday 27th of November 2023
With 9 out of 10, this quiz confirmed what I already knew. I'm a Finn that was born in Portugal :)
Monday 18th of March 2024
Fabulous! :)
Saturday 15th of July 2023
I got a 6, but then again two of the questions didn't apply to me (I can't drive or drink since I'm only fourteen and live in the USA)
Sunday 14th of May 2023
Only five...*almost* a hidden Finn XD
Wednesday 26th of April 2023
i got 8 out of ten
Monday 7th of November 2022
All 10, so, when can i move to Finland lol
Friday 18th of November 2022
Haha Tonya! That's awesome!!!